Mindful Muslimah

Empowering Muslim women
To Thrive in Every Aspect of Life

Changing the world, one Muslimah at a time

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Change Lives!

Recognized by Scholars, Alims & Qaris

Mufti Menk

“Many from across the globe are doing good work. May Allah Almighty grant them success in this world and the next. Ameen. Follow Mindful Muslimah and benefit from her”

Mufti Rafiq

Visiting Instructor at Thrive Muslimah

Ustadh Yahya Raaby

Visiting Instructor at Thrive Muslimah

Sheikh Sajid

Visiting Instructor at Thrive Muslimah

"We Help Women not just Grow, But Thrive"


The Shocking Statistics

What if this continues?

The Real risk

An even GREATER...

  • cross
    Number of troubled teens questing their faith
  • cross
    Number of Muslims leaving Islam
  • cross
    Breakdown of the Muslim family

What do you Suggest?

The Solution

We MUST INVEST in our WOMEN and their growth.

They are the FIRST point of contact for
our children & generations to come.

Giving them the SKILLS & SUPPORT to raise stronger families will create life-long change.

The Revert Project

The Khadijah Initiative